(646) 504-6565 info@barak1.com


Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluations for Children, Adolescents, Adults


Dr. Anya Barak is a licensed psychologist with specialized training in neuropsychological evaluations for children and adults of varying ages. After earning her undergraduate degree in psychology from Columbia University, Dr. Barak completed her doctoral degree at St. John’s University, wherein she had the opportunity to work with lead researchers in the field of cognitive assessment and learning disabilities.
She has held training posts at NYU Rusk Institute, NYU Child Study Center, and the School at Columbia University. Dr. Barak went on to complete post-doctoral training in neuropsychological evaluations at Fielding University, under the supervision of world-renowned Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg.

Dr. Barak has presented her own research on intelligence testing and neuro/psychoeducational assessments at national conferences across the country. She has years of experience in testing individuals, and is knowledgeable in conducting testing with children as young as three through adolescence and college-age young adults.